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Gates Sonic Tension Meter New 550c 7420-0550 508c 7420-0508 Belt Tension meter
Gates 508c 7420-0508 Sonic Tension Meter Replaces 507c 7420-0507 Gates 508c Sonic Tension Meter 7420-0550 5 550c
List Price: $1,475.00
Our Price: $1,050.00
Savings: $425.00

Quantity in Stock:4

Availability:: Ships Today Sure If Placed by 4 Pm Eastern Time
Product Code: 508C-7420-0508

In Stock Will Ship Today! new version 7420-550c more storage same exact tool now in black... Best Price on the web Guarantee! Gates 508C (74200508) Sonic Tension Meter measures belt tension by analyzing the harmonic characteristics of a vibrating belt. The Gates Sonic Tension Meter comes with the meter and the standard cord Sensor. Other additional accessories include the flat flexible sensor and the inductive sensor. Get consistent, accurate belt tension readings every time! Gates Sonic Tension Meter measures belt tension by analyzing the harmonic characteristics of a vibrating belt. Strum the belt like a guitar string and the meter takes care of the rest. Belts, like strings, vibrate at a particular natural frequency based on mass and span length. Gates Sonic Tension Meter simply converts this frequency into a measurement of tension. Here’s how it works: First, enter belt mass constant, belt width and span length into meter using built-in keypad. Next, hold meter sensor to belt span, then lightly strum belt to make it vibrate. Press “measure” button to obtain reading and the meter quickly converts vibrations into belt tension. Readings are displayed on LCD screen. Use the standard cord sensor to reach inside cramped compartments where conventional measurements would be impossible. An optional flexible sensor can be bent and re-positioned for convenient, one-hand operation. Use the optional inductive sensor to measure belt tensions in high-noise or windy environments. - See more at: http://www.gates.com/products/industrial/industrial-belts/tools-and-equipment/sonic-tension-meter-and-accessories#sthash.qVEYlXDC.dpuf
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